Mar 30, 2023Liked by emilia, Marty Bell

[New skills] I am super committed to [re]learn skateboarding. That the one skill I want to get improving by the time I am 90. It is a bit harder now to find some time to dedicate to it.

But I found one hack that plays well on me. Organising a challenge.

We are organizing a remote skateboarding challenge over 12 weeks. 1 trick per week. 1 point per trick.

It's the 2nd week for the moment, but the energy makes it super motivating to get outside and land that trick in the given time.

For any 30+ skaters in here, we share this on a close Twitter community: https://twitter.com/i/communities/1633160966048468992

You can see the result of the 1st week here: https://www.reddit.com/r/OldSkaters/comments/123mwul/update_remote_game_of_skate_experiment_week_112/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

Cheers, 🛹

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by emilia, Marty Bell

Speaking in to a camera. Working on finding my voice, and my visual representation, and not stumbling with "uhms, ahs, errs" or other fillers.

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by emilia, Marty Bell

I've been taking up photography and videography as a hobby. I love film and it's been a great outlet, even just to learn about all of it is so fun. I found this https://beta.flim.ai/ and it's been a great source of ideas.

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by emilia, Marty Bell

The skill I am learning now is managing better boundaries. I grew up without supervision or healthy modeling from adults and I never realized how that formed my core beliefs and behavior as an adult. To finally acquire those skills this stage in my life has been a dramatic evolution.

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I'm learning about the art to throwing parties, nightlife, club culture, etc!! Really fun. Reading a book called Club King right now about Peter Gatien https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/02/style/peter-gatien-limelight-tunnel-club-kid.html

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Systems Coaching and Rumba. But not at the same time (so far........)

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I have been crocheting and skateboarding like a mf and finding that both hobbies balance eachother beautifully lol

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I’m in love with Spanish and guitar! A novice in both I am. I’m so happy I found Poolsuite and palm report through the original music player app.

El español que sé es poco, pero estoy orgulloso de ello.

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I have a few, choosing to turn around my life towards active leisureness rather than corporate passiveness.

[1] Writing a scenario for a comic book or graphic novel. Reaching out to people in that space to find how that even works or looks

[2] Making beats and doing the rap thing with some serious flow

[3] Freediving

[4] Launching a travel club, for those of us fed up with searching for the best hotels (and getting them for members at a fixed price -- f*** yield management)

[5] Many other small things to keep myself alive. Will check out that book @Leann

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I've just recently picked up creative fiction writing and the ukulele.

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