
*Full-time* working on myself at the moment ~ I decided to quit my Design Lead role at a corporate company to recalibrate and remember what matters to me the most, which is not letting my creativity and soul fade away in exchange for just money and uninspiring work environment.

I want to live my life more fluidly, intentionally. I've always been intrigued by stories of individuals leaving their jobs to seek a more fulfilling life, and I'm now experiencing that for myself. A wise man once told me (Hey, Marty!) that allowing myself the space to grow and reconnect with my true self confidently will pave the way for a much brighter future.

A couple of people have said to me that I'm lucky to have the opportunity to take this time for myself because they "can't" and truly, that's made me feel sad because I believe that we're entitled to prioritise our personal growth and wellbeing too. The idea that we "can't" seems to be a prevalent mindset, and I believe that we need to shift that thinking 🙏

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by emilia, Marty Bell

Building objet.cc to help people enjoy a better relationship with objects.

On the app, you can seek advice & recos. for your next purchase; as well as save the stories & cherish your most significant possessions.

Mathilde is also writing a substack 👉 https://open.substack.com/pub/objet/p/youre-bad-at-shopping?r=2cys&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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Mar 10, 2023·edited Mar 10, 2023Author

This is a really tight concept Kev, excited to play around with the app. Especially love the 'Enchanting your objects' tagline. Would be cool to allow people to set a maximum number of possessions and enable a one-in-one-out policy when they reach it! I think a lot of people could get behind that. Feels important to encourage people to focus on fewer items that they absolutely love vs. lots of items they don't care much about. I picked up the book How To Live With Objects recently which feels relevant - https://www.penguinrandomhouse.ca/books/677737/how-to-live-with-objects-by-monica-khemsurov-and-jill-singer-founders-of-sight-unseen/9780593235041

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thanks for the kind words. and yep, reading this: "an anti-decorating book that champions a new approach to interiors—simply surrounding yourself with objects you love" that book looks perfectly on point 🎯 🙏

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Mar 9, 2023Liked by emilia, Marty Bell

Working on a catering business at the moment. Excellent food and nice experiences coming it’s way!!!

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Let's goooo Casper. Where's it based? Sign me up for anything ceviche, coconut & pina colada related.

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by emilia, Marty Bell

Working on Issue 011 of the WARKITCHEN magazine, covering everything nutrition, gastronomy & lifestyle. If this sounds like something up your alley, feel free to browse through previous issues @ https://www.warkitchen.net/magazines 🥂

P.S Loved reading what everyone else is up to! We're really living in a world where the possibilities are infinite. In my opinion, social media is one of the greatest inventions ever made! We're living in a sliver of history where it's possible to make just about ANYTHING a career. If you're an artist like me, or just have a general affinity to all things creative, I urge you to start leveraging the Internet to showcase your talents! Who knows? In a year or two it might be the greatest decision you've ever made.

Have a blessed week ahead ladies & gents 🍸

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Mar 9, 2023Liked by Marty Bell


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As are you! Thanks for reading Claudia ☼

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i'm finally able to do some actual coding (i'm in an engineering role) after a few months of sending emails/writing docs/drafting designs, and i'm so happy!

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Marty Bell

Hey! I'm working on a 52 weeks project this year. It's a typographic project inspired by the powerful global spirit of the sixties. I'm creating a type-specimen as a magazine while playing with the best culture and characters of the decade. You can find it on Instagram, but I'll build a website someday. https://www.instagram.com/agu.segui/

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Marty Bell

The house build just wrapped, so now I'm fully working on becoming a plant dad... Oh, and also lots of amazing Poolsuite stuff I couldn't possibly comment on 😉

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I've got Greg keeping me right on plant dad duties: https://greg.app/

When can I come stay at the new crib?! Where's the giant neon Poolsuite sign going? When do we start digging the pool?

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Hahah you’re welcome whenever my dude! Bring the sign and I’ll start on the pool 😅

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Marty Bell

Hey, love your work! I've just launched a new website / online publication dedicated to people who love what they do: journeysinartistry.com — please do check it out.

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My fiancée and I are taking our whole wedding party to Miami for vacation in May as a twist on the traditional bachelor/bachelorette weekends. I'm currently working on a little hype box to mail to everyone before the the with a personal note, some old photos of us together, probably a little something from the Vacation shop too. If anyone has any other Miami-themed small gift ideas, I'm all ears 😄

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Working on a cool token gating tool called Submarine to help creators monetize and distribute their content. Check it out at Submarine.me!!

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Mar 10, 2023·edited Mar 10, 2023Author

Super tight Madison, will see if we can make use of this ⚡ Gating based on Substack subs would be a dream but seems far off... unsure if an API is even part of their roadmap

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Let me know if you're up for a quick conversation. Might be able to brainstorm some solutions in the interim for you guys!

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Love the branding and the product!

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Examining Artificial Intelligence, the Human Condition, and Everything In Between. My latest:

All I know is that we as a species dance on an ever-narrowing tightrope to a rapidly-increasing beat. As the acceleration and velocity of our progress increases, our ability to make sense of what we make and how it can be used decreases.

The more we achieve, the less we reflect.

The less we reflect, the more we lose ourselves.

The more we lose ourselves, the more we risk our peril.

After all, the metaphorical Doomsday Clock sits at ninety seconds to midnight.

Every Napoleon has his Waterloo, even angels can fall, and multiplication by zero nullifies all.


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are y'all still working on an app for Playdate?

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We designed it and built it with them and it's wonderful but we're unsure if they're going to release it... 😓 It's in their hands now!

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Building stokeclub.life to keep track of your surf progress, share the stoke with your friends and stay motivated. Much like Palm reports vibes ❤️

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Helping build https://blockapps.net . We think that blockchain can help transform any business it touches. Currently my position offers me the joy to work with startup founders and help gain their companies alternative revenue streams to offer their products to our customers. BlockApps has many use cases including art, financial services, and e-commerce related products. I am always eager to talk and help expand a founders offering.

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What are you guys trying to be? What happened to the Web 3.0 fun? What happened to Manor Dao? What happened to this being about technology and less about consumerism?

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Mar 10, 2023·edited Mar 10, 2023Author

Hey Edison, we're currently rebuilding our whole org & how we work as a community on new web3 rails. I think it's going to be something very new & exciting. It's taking longer than we'd hoped but I'm certain it'll be worth the wait. We have new projects dropping every month from next month – many of them web3 enabled. Manor DAO is very much still part of our plans but currently on hold until we launch our new model for the org, then it'll be reintroduced as part of that. Hope you'll follow along!

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poolsuite has always had roots in consumers not just tech.

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